@unpublished{belser:cea-03713370, TITLE = {{Integrative omics framework for characterization of coral reef ecosystems from the Tara Pacific expedition}}, AUTHOR = {Belser, Caroline and Poulain, Julie and Labadie, Karine and Gavory, Frederick and Alberti, Adriana and Guy, Julie and Carradec, Quentin and Cruaud, Corinne and da Silva, Corinne and Engelen, Stefan and Mielle, Paul and Perdereau, Aude and Samson, Gaelle and Gas, Shahinaz and Team, Genoscope Technical and Voolstra, Christian R and Galand, Pierre E and Flores, J. Michel and Hume, Benjamin Cc and Perna, Gabriela and Ziegler, Maren and Ruscheweyh, Hans-Joachim and Boissin, Emilie and Romac, Sarah and Bourdin, Guillaume and Iwankow, Guillaume and Moulin, Cl{\'e}mentine and Paz Garc{\'i}a, David A and Agostini, Sylvain and Banaigs, Bernard and Boss, Emmanuel and Bowler, Chris and de Vargas, Colomban and Douville, {\'E}ric and Forcioli, Didier and Furla, Paola and Gilson, {\'E}ric and Lombard, Fabien and Pesant, Stephane and Reynaud, St{\'e}phanie and Sunagawa, Shinichi and Thomas, Olivier and Troubl{\'e}, Romain and Thurber, Rebecca Vega and Zoccola, Didier and Scarpelli, Claude and Krame Jacoby, E and Oliveira, Pedro H and Aury, Jean-Marc and Allemand, Denis and Planes, Serge and Wincker, Patrick}, URL = {https://cea.hal.science/cea-03713370}, NOTE = {working paper or preprint}, YEAR = {2022}, MONTH = Jul, PDF = {https://cea.hal.science/cea-03713370v2/file/Main%20text%20v2.pdf}, HAL_ID = {cea-03713370}, HAL_VERSION = {v2}, }