@inproceedings{noubissi:hal-00643394, TITLE = {{A predictive approach for a real-time remote visualization of large meshes}}, AUTHOR = {Noubissi, Justin-Herv{\'e} and Guillet, Christophe and Martinez, Jean-Luc and Merienne, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, URL = {https://u-bourgogne.hal.science/hal-00643394}, BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE - International Conference on Advanced Computing \& Communication Technologies (ACCT 12)}}, ADDRESS = {Rohtak, India}, PAGES = {pp. 282-288}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = Jan, KEYWORDS = {mesh ; sewing ; partitioning ; simplification ; visualisation ; geometry ; topology. ; topology}, PDF = {https://u-bourgogne.hal.science/hal-00643394v1/file/Article_confInde.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-00643394}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }