@misc{aykent:hal-00812548, TITLE = {{The Influence of the feedback control of the hexapod platform of the SAAM dynamic driving simulator on neuromuscular dynamics of the drivers}}, AUTHOR = {Aykent, Baris and Paillot, Damien and Merienne, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Kemeny, Andras}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-00812548}, NOTE = {Multi sensorial cues (visual, auditory, haptic, inertial, vestibular, neuromuscular) [Ang2] play important roles to represent a proper sensation (objectively) and so a perception (subjectively as cognition) in driving simulators. Driving simulator aims at giving the sensation of driving as in a real case. For a similar situation, the driver has to react in the same way as in reality in terms of 'self motion'. To enable this behavior, the driving simulator must enhance the virtual immersion of th}, HOWPUBLISHED = {{Driving Simulation Conference 2012}}, PUBLISHER = {{INRETS}}, PAGES = {377-380}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = Sep, KEYWORDS = {closed loop control ; open loop control ; Motion cueing ; motion sickness ; LQR ; optimal control ; EMG analysis ; dynamic driving simulators ; motion cue}, HAL_ID = {hal-00812548}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }