@article{touze:hal-00838878, TITLE = {{Reduced-order models for large-amplitude vibrations of shells including in-plane inertia}}, AUTHOR = {Touz{\'e}, Cyril and Amabili, M. and Thomas, Olivier}, URL = {https://ensta-paris.hal.science/hal-00838878}, JOURNAL = {{Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {197}, NUMBER = {21-24}, PAGES = {2030-2045}, YEAR = {2008}, MONTH = Apr, DOI = {10.1016/j.cma.2008.01.002}, KEYWORDS = {Mod{\'e}lisation ; Effet non lin{\'e}aire ; Syst{\`e}me ordre r{\'e}duit ; Limite libre ; Coque cylindrique ; Cylindre circulaire ; Appui simple ; Coque peu profonde ; Double courbure ; Inertie ; Coque mince ; Excitation harmonique ; Troncature ; D{\'e}placement d{\'e}formation ; Mode propre ; Vibration non lin{\'e}aire ; Grand d{\'e}placement}, PDF = {https://ensta-paris.hal.science/hal-00838878v1/file/2008-CMAME_shellsNNMSc.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-00838878}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }