@inproceedings{roucoules:hal-00934910, TITLE = {{Virtual Prototyping : first practice of a European research group}}, AUTHOR = {Roucoules, Lionel and Toxopeus, Marten and Mathieux, Fabrice and Reyes, Tatiana and Grozav, Ion and Thomann, Guillaume and Marin, Philippe Ren{\'e} and Moriggi, Paolo and Cobianchi, Paolo}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-00934910}, NOTE = {Lien vers la version {\'e}diteur: http://www.inderscience.com/books/index.php?action=record\&rec\_id=696\&chapNum=5\&journalID=1021\&year=2009}, BOOKTITLE = {{Product Lifecycle Management PLM'09 Supporting the extended enterprise}}, ADDRESS = {Bath, United Kingdom}, HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {CI}, PUBLISHER = {{Inderscience publishers}}, PAGES = {232-242}, YEAR = {2009}, MONTH = Jul, KEYWORDS = {CAPP ; DFX ; User-centric design ; Life Cycle Analysis ; Collaborative virtual prototyping}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-00934910v1/file/LSIS_PLM_2009_ROUCOULES.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-00934910}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }