@inproceedings{frey:hal-00935436, TITLE = {{Tool based supporting collaborative design from specification development to CAD modelling}}, AUTHOR = {Frey, Estelle and Ostrosi, Egon and Gomes, Samuel and Roucoules, Lionel}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-00935436}, BOOKTITLE = {{TMCE 2010 Symposium - Virtual Engineering for competitiveness}}, ADDRESS = {Italy}, PUBLISHER = {{TMCE (Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering)}}, VOLUME = {1}, PAGES = {941-950}, YEAR = {2010}, MONTH = Apr, KEYWORDS = {Product development ; Collaborative design tools ; Functional analysis ; Product data management ; Communication tools}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-00935436v1/file/LSIS_TMCE_2010_ROUCOULES.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-00935436}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }