@article{skander:hal-00940085, TITLE = {{Design and manufacturing interface modelling for manufacturing processes selection and knowledge synthesis in design}}, AUTHOR = {Skander, Achraf and Roucoules, Lionel and Klein Meyer, Jean-S{\'e}bastien}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-00940085}, NOTE = {This research is part of the regional French project IFP2R : '' Manufacturing constraints integration in rapid prototyped part design '' with IFTS (Higher Technical Formation Institute of Charleville M{\'e}zi{\`e}res- France).}, JOURNAL = {{International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology}}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer Verlag}}, VOLUME = {37}, NUMBER = {5-6}, PAGES = {443-454}, YEAR = {2008}, MONTH = May, DOI = {10.1007/s00170-007-1003-2}, KEYWORDS = {Concurrent engineering ; Design and manufacture interface ; Feature-based product modelling ; DFM ; Knowledge synthesis ; Skins and skeleton concepts ; Manufacturing knowledge management}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-00940085v1/file/LSIS_IJAMT_2008_ROUCOULES.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-00940085}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }