@article{aykent:hal-00981166, TITLE = {{Motion sickness evaluation and comparison for a static driving simulator and a dynamic driving simulator}}, AUTHOR = {Aykent, Baris and Merienne, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Guillet, Christophe and Paillot, Damien and Kemeny, Andras}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-00981166}, JOURNAL = {{Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering}}, PAGES = {1-12}, YEAR = {2014}, MONTH = Jan, DOI = {10.1177/0954407013516101}, KEYWORDS = {Driving simulator ; driver's perception ; inertial cue ; vestibular-level dynamics ; motion sickness}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-00981166v2/file/LE2i_PID_2014_AYKENT_2_.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-00981166}, HAL_VERSION = {v2}, }