@article{deluca:hal-01021897, TITLE = {{Reverse-engineering of architectural buildings based on an hybrid modeling approach}}, AUTHOR = {De Luca, Livio and Veron, Philippe and Florenzano, Michel}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01021897}, NOTE = {We thank MENSI and REALVIZ companies for their helpful comments and the following people for providing us images from their works: Francesca De Domenico (Fig. 1), Kyung-Tae Kim (Fig. 9). The CMN (French national center of patrimony buildings) is also acknowledged for the opportunity given to demonstrate our approach on the Hotel de Sully in Paris. We thank Tudor Driscu for his help on the English translation.}, JOURNAL = {{Computers and Graphics}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {160-176}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = Apr, KEYWORDS = {Architectural knowledge ; Laser scanning ; Image-based modeling ; Range-based modeling ; Feature-based modeling}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-01021897v1/file/LSIS_CG_Veron_2006.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-01021897}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }