@article{monteil:hal-01084240, TITLE = {{Identification of mode couplings in nonlinear vibrations of the steelpan}}, AUTHOR = {Monteil, M{\'e}lodie and Thomas, Olivier and Touz{\'e}, Cyril}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01084240}, NOTE = {The authors are grateful to Bertrand David (Telecom-ParisTech) for computing the code allowing the STFT filtering procedure used in Section 5.1. The filter has been designed in the framework of the PAFI project (Plateforme d'Aide la facture Instrumentale, www.pafi.fr) which is also thanked.}, JOURNAL = {{Applied Acoustics}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {89}, PAGES = {1-15}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Mar, DOI = {10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.08.008}, KEYWORDS = {Energy exchange ; Internal resonance ; Mode coupling ; Nonlinear vibration ; Shell ; Steeldrum}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-01084240v1/file/LSIS6INSM_JAA_Thomas_2014_.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-01084240}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }