@inproceedings{thomas:hal-01813035, TITLE = {{Mod{\`e}les r{\'e}duits de structures minces en vibrations non-lin{\'e}aires}}, AUTHOR = {Thomas, Olivier and Touz{\'e}, Cyril and Luminais, {\'E}ric}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01813035}, BOOKTITLE = {{7e colloque national en calcul des structures}}, ADDRESS = {Giens, France}, ORGANIZATION = {{CSMA}}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = May, KEYWORDS = {shallow spherical shells ; geometrical non-linearities ; internal resonances ; nonlinear vibrations ; nonlinear modes ; modes non-lin{\'e}aires ; coque sph{\'e}rique ; non-lin{\'e}arit{\'e}s g{\'e}om{\'e}triques ; r{\'e}sonances internes ; vibrations non-lin{\'e}aires}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-01813035v1/file/Thomas_2005.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-01813035}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }