@inproceedings{deluca:hal-02336929, TITLE = {{An Iconography-Based Modeling Approach for the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Architectural Heritage}}, AUTHOR = {De Luca, Livio and Busarayat, Chawee and Stefani, Chiara and Renaudin, No{\'e}mie and Florenzano, Michel and Veron, Philippe}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-02336929}, BOOKTITLE = {{2010 Shape Modeling International (SMI)}}, ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE}}, PAGES = {78-89}, YEAR = {2010}, MONTH = Jun, DOI = {10.1109/SMI.2010.28}, KEYWORDS = {Iconography ; Image-based-modeling ; shape transformation ; uncertainty representation ; information visualization ; architectural heritage}, HAL_ID = {hal-02336929}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }