@article{touze:hal-03283647, TITLE = {{Model order reduction methods for geometrically nonlinear structures: a review of nonlinear techniques}}, AUTHOR = {Touz{\'e}, Cyril and Vizzaccaro, Alessandra and Thomas, Olivier}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-03283647}, JOURNAL = {{Nonlinear Dynamics}}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer Verlag}}, VOLUME = {105}, YEAR = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/s11071-021-06693-9}, KEYWORDS = {Nonlinear normal modes of vibration ; Reduced order models ROM ; Geometric nonlinearity ; Thin structures ; Invariant manifold parametrisation ; Nonlinear mapping}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-03283647v2/file/ReviewROMGEOMNL_HAL.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-03283647}, HAL_VERSION = {v2}, }