@article{berardengo:hal-03781516, TITLE = {{Guidelines for the layout and tuning of piezoelectric resonant shunt with negative capacitances in terms of dynamic compliance, mobility and accelerance}}, AUTHOR = {Berardengo, Marta and Manzoni, Stefano and Thomas, Olivier and Vanali, Marcello}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-03781516}, JOURNAL = {{Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures}}, PUBLISHER = {{SAGE Publications}}, VOLUME = {32}, NUMBER = {17}, PAGES = {2092-2107}, YEAR = {2021}, MONTH = Jan, DOI = {10.1177/1045389x20986991}, KEYWORDS = {Mechanical Engineering ; General Materials Science ; Piezoelectric shunt ; Resonant shunt ; Negative capacitance ; Damping ; Vibration control}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-03781516v1/file/LISPEN_JIMSS_2021_THOMAS.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-03781516}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }