@inproceedings{joblot:hal-04142374, TITLE = {{Protocole exp{\'e}rimental visant l'{\'e}tude de l'IA centr{\'e}e sur l'humain dans le contexte de l'Industrie 5.0 : Application en r{\'e}alit{\'e} augment{\'e}e}}, AUTHOR = {Joblot, Laurent and Florian, Magnani and Rosin, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Pellerin, Robert and Passalacqua, Mario}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04142374}, BOOKTITLE = {{CIGI QUALITA MOSIM 2023}}, ADDRESS = {Trois Rivi{\`e}res, Canada}, YEAR = {2023}, MONTH = Jun, KEYWORDS = {Industrie 5.0 ; human-centric artificial intelligence ; Augmented reality ; motivation ; engagement ; H-CPPS ; Industrie 5.0 ; Intelligence Artificielle (IA) centr{\'e}e sur l'humain ; R{\'e}alit{\'e} Augment{\'e}e (RA) ; motivation ; engagement ; H-CPPS}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04142374v1/file/Article%20CQM%202023%20Vfinale.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-04142374}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }