@inproceedings{passalacqua:hal-04194364, TITLE = {{L'origine de l'objectif est-elle importante? Effets motivationnels d'objectifs autod{\'e}finis en production}}, AUTHOR = {Passalacqua, Mario and Pellerin, Robert and Magnani, Florian and Joblot, Laurent and Yahia, Esma and Rosin, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and L{\'e}ger, Pierre-Majorique}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04194364}, BOOKTITLE = {{CIGI QUALITA MOSIM 2023}}, ADDRESS = {Trois Rivi{\`e}res, Canada}, YEAR = {2023}, MONTH = Jun, KEYWORDS = {Motivation ; Engagement ; Gamification ; Material handling ; Self-determination theory ; Motivation ; Engagement ; Gamification ; Manutention de mat{\'e}riel ; Th{\'e}orie de l'autod{\'e}termination}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04194364v1/file/CIGI_QUALITA_MOSIM_2023_paper_3491.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-04194364}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }