@article{iteney:hal-04256063, TITLE = {{Pyrough: A tool to build 3D samples with rough surfaces for atomistic and finite-element simulations}}, AUTHOR = {Iteney, Hugo and Gonzalez Joa, Javier Antonio and Le Bourlot, Christophe and Cornelius, Thomas W and Thomas, Olivier and Amodeo, Jonathan}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04256063}, JOURNAL = {{Computer Physics Communications}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {295}, PAGES = {108958}, YEAR = {2024}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cpc.2023.108958}, KEYWORDS = {Surface roughness ; Modeling ; Atomistic simulation ; Finite-elements modeling ; Computer programming}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04256063v1/file/Iteney_2023CPC_Pyrough_preprint.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-04256063}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }