@article{galitz:hal-04669664, TITLE = {{Molecular genetic biodiversity assessment of the Wallis Island sponge fauna in the Tropical Pacific}}, AUTHOR = {Galitz, Adrian and Ekins, Merrick and Reddy, Maggie and Folcher, Eric and Dumas, Mah{\'e} and Butscher, John and Thomas, Olivier and Voigt, Oliver and W{\"o}rheide, Gert and Petek, Sylvain and Erpenbeck, Dirk}, URL = {https://hal.univ-brest.fr/hal-04669664}, JOURNAL = {{Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK}}, PUBLISHER = {{Cambridge University Press (CUP)}}, VOLUME = {104}, PAGES = {e56}, YEAR = {2024}, MONTH = Jul, DOI = {10.1017/S0025315424000432}, HAL_ID = {hal-04669664}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }