@inproceedings{haudeville:hal-04696860, TITLE = {{Reduction of vortex-induced vibrations of a cantilevered hydrofoil with passive piezoelectric shunt}}, AUTHOR = {Haudeville, Arthur and Amandolese, Xavier and Lossouarn, Boris and Giraud-Audine, Christophe and Thomas, Olivier}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04696860}, BOOKTITLE = {{53rd International Congress \& Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTERNOISE 2024}}, ADDRESS = {Nantes, France}, PAGES = {ID 2693}, YEAR = {2024}, MONTH = Aug, DOI = {10.3397/IN\_2024\_2693}, KEYWORDS = {Piezo-elasto-hydrodynamic model ; Hydrofoil ; Vortex-induced vibrations ; Piezoelectric damping}, PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04696860v1/file/IN_2024_2693.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-04696860}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }