@article{leguiner:inserm-02447482, TITLE = {{Forelimb Treatment in a Large Cohort of Dystrophic Dogs Supports Delivery of a Recombinant AAV for Exon Skipping in Duchenne Patients}}, AUTHOR = {Le Guiner, Caroline and Montus, Marie and Servais, Laurent and Cherel, Yan and Fran{\c c}ois, Virginie and Thibaud, Jean-Laurent and Wary, Claire and Matot, B{\'e}atrice and Larcher, Thibaut and Guigand, Lydie and Dutilleul, Ma{\'e}va and Domenger, Claire and Allais, Marine and Beuvin, Maud and Moraux, Am{\'e}lie and Le Duff, Johanne and Devaux, Marie and Jaulin, Nicolas and Guilbaud, Micka{\"e}l and Latournerie, Virginie and Veron, Philippe and Boutin, Sylvie and Leborgne, Christian and Desgue, Diana and Deschamps, Jack-Yves and Moullec, Sophie and Fromes, Yves and Vulin, Adeline and Smith, Richard H and Laroudie, Nicolas and Barnay-Toutain, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Rivi{\`e}re, Christel and Bucher, St{\'e}phanie and Le, Thanh-Hoa and Delaunay, Nicolas and Gasmi, Mehdi and Kotin, Robert and Bonne, Gisele and Adjali, Oumeya and Masurier, Carole and Hogrel, Jean-Yves and Carlier, Pierre G. and Moullier, Philippe and Voit, Thomas}, URL = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-02447482}, JOURNAL = {{Molecular Therapy}}, PUBLISHER = {{Cell Press}}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {11}, PAGES = {1923-1935}, YEAR = {2014}, MONTH = Nov, DOI = {10.1038/mt.2014.151}, PDF = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-02447482v1/file/main.pdf}, HAL_ID = {inserm-02447482}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }