Maître de Conférences
+33 618194392 / +33 385909869
Mail : christophe.guillet @


  • 2004 : PhD in Mathematics of University of Franche Comté  : "Instabilité de systèmes Hamiltoniens au sens de Chirikov et Bifurcation dans un problème d’évolution non linéaire issu de la Physique" supervised by Pr Jacky Cresson
  • 1997 : DEA Astronomie Fondamentale, Mécanique Céleste et Géodésie Spatiale / Observatory of Paris, University Paris 6, ENSG
  • 1992 : Agrégation externe of Mathematics

Appointments held:

  • since 2006: Assistant Professor in Mathematics (University of Burgundy / IUT Chalon)
  • 1993 - 2006:  Professeur Agrégé of Mathematics (University of Burgundy / IUT Chalon)

Scientific/academic leadership:

  • Leader of Bachelor "Sound and Image Technics" with options "3D Real Time Infography" and "Multimedia conception and Creation" (University of Burgundy / IUT Chalon)
  • 2 PhD defended

Christophe Guillet is an Associate Professor in Mathematics at the University of Burgundy. He is a member of Institut Image / Lab LISPEN (EA 7515) research team. He develops methods for real time analysis of kinematic and EEG data to study human behavior during immersive VR experiences by combining topological tools and machine learning methods (SVM, neural networks,…). He co-supervises research works on topological and machine learning approach of the metrology for human movement for optimizing VR environments – user interaction with INSERM lab (U1093) at Dijon and of driver’s cognitive and visual distraction detection using EEG signals with University of Petronas, (Malaysia).


University of Burgundy (IUT Chalon):

  • Mathematics (linear algebra, analysis, inferential statistics, signal theory,...) at level DUT (1rst and 2nd year post Bac)
  • Inferential statistics at level Bachelor

Institut Image (Arts et Métiers):

  • since 2012: Data analysis methods (classical inferential statistical methods (ANOVA), PCA, machine learning,...) at level Master 2
  • 2009-2015: Geometrical modelisation at level Master 2