Thomas Olivier, Vergez Christophe, Touzé Cyril. Nonlinear dynamical phenomena in musical acoustics. 2025 .
Pierre Christophe, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril. Reduced-order modeling for nonlinear vibrations structures. 2025 ; volume 1
Bayer Fabia, Leine Remco I., Thomas Olivier, Grolet Aurélien. Koopman–Hill stability computation of periodic orbits in polynomial dynamical systems using a real-valued quadratic harmonic balance formulation. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2024 ; 167 : 104894.
Paoli Lucas, Wiederkehr Fabienne, Ruscheweyh Hans-Joachim, Miravet-Verde Samuel, Bistolas Kalia S.I., Sawyer Teresa, Labadie Karine, Mayer Kim-Isabelle, Perdereau Aude, Reddy Maggie, Moulin Clémentine, Boissin Emilie, Bourdin Guillaume, Cailliau Juliette, Iwankow Guillaume, Poulain Julie, Romac Sarah, Planes Serge, Allemand Denis, Agostini Sylvain, Bowler Chris, Douville Eric, Forcioli Didier, Galand Pierre, Lombard Fabien, Oliveira Pedro, Piel Jörn, Thomas Olivier, Thurber Rebecca Vega, Troublé Romain, Voolstra Christian, Wincker Patrick, Ziegler Maren, Sunagawa Shinichi. Genome-resolved diversity and biosynthetic potential of the coral reef microbiome. 2024 .
Haudeville Arthur, Amandolese Xavier, Lossouarn Boris, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Piezo-elasto-hydrodynamic models for piezoelectric shunt damping of hydrofoils. 2024 .
de La Bigne Marguerite, Cattan Eric, Ghenna Sofiane, Zwingelstein Marie, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. A new design and optimization method of a nano-aerial vehicle with resonant vibrating wings. 2024 .
Dureisseix David, Larousse Paul, Gravouil Anthony, Di Stasio Jean, Dumont Serge, Thomas Olivier. Open Review of “An explicit dynamics framework suited to highly non-smooth interface behaviors”. 2024 .
Delabigne Marguerite, Cattan Eric, Ghenna Sofiane, Zwingelstein Marie, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. Optimisation d'un Nano-drone à ailes vibrantes. 2024 .
Haudeville Arthur, Amandolese Xavier, Lossouarn Boris, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Reduction of vortex-induced vibrations of a cantilevered hydrofoil with passive piezoelectric shunt. 2024 ; ID 2693.
Galitz Adrian, Ekins Merrick, Reddy Maggie, Folcher Eric, Dumas Mahé, Butscher John, Thomas Olivier, Voigt Oliver, Wörheide Gert, Petek Sylvain, Erpenbeck Dirk. Molecular genetic biodiversity assessment of the Wallis Island sponge fauna in the Tropical Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 2024 ; 104 : e56.
Richard Marie-Ingrid, Labat Stéphane, Dupraz Maxime, Yehya Sarah, Chatelier Corentin, Atlan Clément, Bellec Ewen, Li Na, Grimmes Michaël, Zakaria Abdelrahman, Olson Kyle, Simonne David, Schülli Tobias T., Rabkin Eugen, Thomas Olivier, Eymery Joël, Maillard Frédéric, Leake Steven J. Imaging strain and defects in nanocrystals using in situ Bragg coherent diffraction imaging. 2024 .
Debeurre Marielle, Benacchio Simon, Grolet Aurélien, Grenat Clément, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Phase resonance testing of highly flexible structures: Measurement of conservative nonlinear modes and nonlinear damping identification. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2024 ; 215 : 111423.
de La Bigne Marguerite, Cattan Eric, Itawi Ahmad, Ghenna Sofiane, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. Optimization of the design and microfabrication of a biologically inspired nano-aerial flapping wing vehicle. 2024 .
Iteney Hugo, Gonzalez Joa Javier Antonio, Le Bourlot Christophe, Cornelius Thomas W, Thomas Olivier, Amodeo Jonathan. Pyrough: A tool to build 3D samples with rough surfaces for atomistic and finite-element simulations. Computer Physics Communications 2024 ; 295 : 108958.
Galand Pierre, Ruscheweyh Hans-Joachim, Salazar Guillem, Hochart Corentin, Henry Nicolas, Hume Benjamin, Oliveira Pedro, Perdereau Aude, Labadie Karine, Belser Caroline, Boissin Emilie, Romac Sarah, Poulain Julie, Bourdin Guillaume, Iwankow Guillaume, Moulin Clémentine, Armstrong Eric, Paz-García David, Ziegler Maren, Agostini Sylvain, Banaigs Bernard, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, de Vargas Colomban, Douville Éric, Flores Michel, Forcioli Didier, Furla Paola, Gilson Eric, Lombard Fabien, Pesant Stéphane, Reynaud Stéphanie, Thomas Olivier, Troublé Romain, Zoccola Didier, Voolstra Christian, Thurber Rebecca Vega, Sunagawa Shinichi, Wincker Patrick, Allemand Denis, Planes Serge. Diversity of the Pacific Ocean coral reef microbiome. Nature Communications 2023 ; 14 (1) : 3039.
Rouan Alice, Pousse Melanie, Djerbi Nadir, Porro Barbara, Bourdin Guillaume, Carradec Quentin, Hume Benjamin Cc., Poulain Julie, Lê-Hoang Julie, Armstrong Eric, Agostini Sylvain, Salazar Guillem, Ruscheweyh Hans-Joachim, Aury Jean-Marc, Paz-García David, Mcminds Ryan, Giraud-Panis Marie-Josèphe, Deshuraud Romane, Ottaviani Alexandre, Morini Lycia Die, Leone Camille, Wurzer Lia, Tran Jessica, Zoccola Didier, Pey Alexis, Moulin Clémentine, Boissin Emilie, Iwankow Guillaume, Romac Sarah, de Vargas Colomban, Banaigs Bernard, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, Douville Eric, Flores Michel, Reynaud Stéphanie, Thomas Olivier, Troublé Romain, Thurber Rebecca Vega, Planes Serge, Allemand Denis, Pesant Stephane, Galand Pierre, Wincker Patrick, Sunagawa Shinichi, Röttinger Eric, Furla Paola, Voolstra Christian, Forcioli Didier, Lombard Fabien, Gilson Eric. Telomere DNA length regulation is influenced by seasonal temperature differences in short-lived but not in long-lived reef-building corals. Nature Communications 2023 ; 14 (1) : 3038.
Veglia Alex, Bistolas Kalia, Voolstra Christian, Hume Benjamin, Ruscheweyh Hans-Joachim, Planes Serge, Allemand Denis, Boissin Emilie, Wincker Patrick, Poulain Julie, Moulin Clémentine, Bourdin Guillaume, Iwankow Guillaume, Romac Sarah, Agostini Sylvain, Banaigs Bernard, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, de Vargas Colomban, Douville Éric, Flores Michel, Forcioli Didier, Furla Paola, Galand Pierre, Gilson Eric, Lombard Fabien, Pesant Stéphane, Reynaud Stéphanie, Sunagawa Shinichi, Thomas Olivier, Troublé Romain, Zoccola Didier, Correa Adrienne, Vega Thurber Rebecca. Endogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes. Communications Biology 2023 ; 6 (1) : 566.
Canesi Marine, Douville Éric, Montagna Paolo, Taviani Marco, Stolarski Jarosław, Bordier Louise, Dapoigny Arnaud, Coulibaly Gninwoyo Eric Hermann, Simon Anne-Catherine, Agelou Mathieu, Fin Jonathan, Metzl Nicolas, Iwankow Guillaume, Allemand Denis, Planes Serge, Moulin Clémentine, Lombard Fabien, Bourdin Guillaume, Troublé Romain, Agostini Sylvain, Banaigs Bernard, Boissin Emilie, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, de Vargas Colomban, Flores Michel, Forcioli Didier, Furla Paola, Gilson Eric, Galand Pierre E., Pesant Stéphane, Sunagawa Shinichi, Thomas Olivier, Vega Thurber Rebecca, Voolstra Christian, Wincker Patrick, Zoccola Didier, Reynaud Stéphanie. Differences in carbonate chemistry up-regulation of long-lived reef-building corals. Scientific Reports 2023 ; 13 (1) : 11589.
Hochart Corentin, Paoli Lucas, Ruscheweyh Hans-Joachim, Salazar Guillem, Boissin Emilie, Romac Sarah, Poulain Julie, Bourdin Guillaume, Iwankow Guillaume, Moulin Clémentine, Ziegler Maren, Porro Barbara, Armstrong Eric, Hume Benjamin, Aury Jean-Marc, Pogoreutz Claudia, Paz-García David, Nugues Maggy, Agostini Sylvain, Banaigs Bernard, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, de Vargas Colomban, Douville Éric, Flores Michel, Forcioli Didier, Furla Paola, Gilson Eric, Lombard Fabien, Pesant Stéphane, Reynaud Stéphanie, Thomas Olivier, Troublé Romain, Wincker Patrick, Zoccola Didier, Allemand Denis, Planes Serge, Thurber Rebecca Vega, Voolstra Christian, Sunagawa Shinichi, Galand Pierre. Ecology of Endozoicomonadaceae in three coral genera across the Pacific Ocean. Nature Communications 2023 ; 14 (1) : 3037.
Ghenna Sofiane, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Delabigne Marguerite, Thomas Olivier. [Reportage] Le plus petit drone du monde présenté à Valenciennes. 2023 .
Ghenna Sofiane, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Delabigne Marguerite, Thomas Olivier. [Reportage] Le plus petit drone du monde présenté à Valenciennes. 2023 .
de La Bigne Marguerite, Cattan Eric, Ghenna Sofiane, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. Design and optimisation of a vibrating wing insect-size air vehicle. 2023 .
Grondel Sébastien, Faux Damien, de La Bigne Marguerite, Itawi Ahmad, Zwingelstein Marie, Ghenna Sofiane, Soyer Caroline, Cattan Eric, Thomas Olivier. [Invited] Design, Fabrication and Dynamic Testing of Insect-Inspired Nano Air Vehicles. 2023 ; 17-22.
Martin Adrien, Opreni Andrea, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Salles Loic, Thomas Olivier, Frangi Attilio, Touzé Cyril. Reduced order modeling of rotating structures featuring geometric nonlinearity with the direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds method. 2023 .
Debeurre Marielle, Grolet Aurélien, Thomas Olivier. Extreme nonlinear dynamics of cantilever beams: effect of gravity and slenderness on the nonlinear modes. Nonlinear Dynamics 2023 ; 111 (14) : 12787-12815.
Martin Adrien, Opreni Andrea, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Debeurre Marielle, Salles Loic, Frangi Attilio, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril. Reduced-order modeling of geometrically nonlinear rotating structures using the direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics 2023 ; 1-31.
Martin Adrien, Opreni Andrea, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Debeurre Marielle, Salles Loic, Frangi Attilio Alberto, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril. Review of “Reduced-order modeling of geometrically nonlinear rotating structures using the direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds”. 2023 .
Navarro Etienne, Cornelius Thomas, Proudhon Henry, Sahay Rahul, Radchenko Ihor, Escoubas Stéphanie, Lee Pooi See, Raghavan Nagarajan, Budiman Arief, Thomas Olivier. Shear loading of FCC/BCC Cu/Nb nanolaminates studied by in situ X-ray micro-diffraction. Microelectronic Engineering 2023 ; 276 : 111999.
Jagtap Piyush, Guichet Christophe, Tholapi Raj, Noe Pierre, Mocuta Cristian, Thomas Olivier. Understanding crystallization in undoped and nitrogen doped GeTe thin films using substrate curvature measurements. Materialia 2023 ; 28 : 101738.
Ayoub Bassel, Lhostis Sandrine, Moreau Stephane, Souchier Emeline, Deloffre Emilie, Mermoz Sebastien, Cacho Maria Gabriela Gusmao, Szekely Norah, Rey Christelle, Aybeke Ece, Gredy Victor, Lamontagne Patrick, Thomas Olivier, Fremont Helene. Sub 1 μm Pitch Achievement for Cu/SiO2 Hybrid Bonding. 2023 .
Mattei Pierre-Olivier, Côte Renaud, Dekemele Kevin, Thomas Olivier. Review of "Optimization of a dynamic absorber with nonlinear stiffness and damping for the vibration control of a floating offshore wind turbine toy model. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics 2023 .
Richard Marie-Ingrid, Labat Stéphane, Dupraz Maxime, Carnis Jérôme, Gao Lu, Texier Michaël, Li Ni, Wu Longfei, Hofmann Jan, Levi Mor, Leake Steven, Lazarev Sergey, Sprung Michael, Hensen Emiel J.M., Rabkin Eugen, Thomas Olivier. Anomalous Glide Plane in Platinum Nano- and Microcrystals. ACS Nano 2023 .
Debeurre Marielle, Grolet Aurélien, Cochelin Bruno, Thomas Olivier. Finite element computation of nonlinear modes and frequency response of geometrically exact beam structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2023 ; 548 : 117534.
de La Bigne Marguerite, Ghenna Sofiane, Grondel Sébastien, Cattan Eric, Thomas Olivier. Nano drone bioinspiré à ailes vibrantes. 2022 .
Debeurre Marielle, Grolet Aurelien, Cochelin Bruno, Thomas Olivier. Finite element computation of nonlinear modes and frequency response of geometrically exact beam structures. 2022 .
Ayoub Bassel, Houssaini Faycal, Moreau Stephane, Lhostis Sandrine, Cornelius Thomas W., Thomas Olivier, Fremont Helene. Thermomechanical Characterizations of Copper at Nanoscale by Laue Microdiffraction. 2022 .
Ayoub Bassel, Lhostis Sandrine, Moreau Stephane, Houssaini Faycal, Fremont Helene, Cornelius Thomas W., Thomas Olivier. Thermomechanical Characterizations of Copper at Nanoscale by Laue Microdiffraction. 2022 .
Lauraux Florian, Labat Stéphane, Richard Marie-Ingrid, Leak Steven J, Zhou Tao, Kovalenko Oleg, Rabkin Eugen, Schülli Tobias U, Thomas Olivier, Cornelius Thomas W. In Situ Nano-Indentation of a Gold Sub-Micrometric Particle Imaged by Multi-Wavelength Bragg Coherent X-ray Diffraction. Materials 2022 ; 15 (18) : 6195.
de La Bigne Marguerite, Ghenna Sofiane, Grondel Sébastien, Cattan Eric, Thomas Olivier. Nano drone bioinspiré à ailes vibrantes. 2022 .
de la Bigne Marguerite, Colin Mathieu R, Ghenna Sofiane, Cattan Eric, Sébastien Grondel, Thomas Olivier. Nano drone bioinspiré à ailes vibrantes. 2022 .
Brassart Pierre‐louis, Thomas Olivier, Courdavault Vincent, Papon Nicolas. Towards a Better Understanding of Toxin Biosynthesis in Seaweeds. ChemBioChem 2022 ; 23 (16)
Shami Zein Alabidin, Shen Yichang, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. Nonlinear dynamics of coupled oscillators in 1:2 internal resonance: effects of the non-resonant quadratic terms and recovery of the saturation effect. Meccanica 2022 .
Touzé Cyril, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Thomas Olivier, Salles Loic, Opreni Andrea, Shen Yichang, Frangi Attilio Alberto. Comparison of nonlinear methods for reduced-order modeling of geometrically nonlinear structures. 2022 .
Benacchio Simon, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Effect of dry friction on a parametrically excited nonlinear oscillator. 2022 .
Belser Caroline, Poulain Julie, Labadie Karine, Gavory Frederick, Alberti Adriana, Guy Julie, Carradec Quentin, Cruaud Corinne, da Silva Corinne, Engelen Stefan, Mielle Paul, Perdereau Aude, Samson Gaelle, Gas Shahinaz, Team Genoscope Technical, Voolstra Christian R, Galand Pierre E, Flores J. Michel, Hume Benjamin Cc, Perna Gabriela, Ziegler Maren, Ruscheweyh Hans-Joachim, Boissin Emilie, Romac Sarah, Bourdin Guillaume, Iwankow Guillaume, Moulin Clémentine, Paz García David A, Agostini Sylvain, Banaigs Bernard, Boss Emmanuel, Bowler Chris, de Vargas Colomban, Douville Éric, Forcioli Didier, Furla Paola, Gilson Éric, Lombard Fabien, Pesant Stephane, Reynaud Stéphanie, Sunagawa Shinichi, Thomas Olivier, Troublé Romain, Thurber Rebecca Vega, Zoccola Didier, Scarpelli Claude, Krame Jacoby E, Oliveira Pedro H, Aury Jean-Marc, Allemand Denis, Planes Serge, Wincker Patrick. Integrative omics framework for characterization of coral reef ecosystems from the Tara Pacific expedition. 2022 .
Ugwuanyi Nnaemeka Sunday, Kestelyn Xavier, Thomas Olivier, Marinescu Bogdan, Wang Bin. A normal form-based power system out-of-step protection. Electric Power Systems Research 2022 ; 208 : 107873.
Benacchio Simon, Chatelain Pierrick, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Mesure de résonances non linéaires et de courbes maîtresses pour des poutres excitées paramétriquement. 2022 .
Shami Zein Alabidin, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Nonlinear Piezoelectric Shunt Absorber with 2:1 Internal Resonance: Theory and Experiments. 2022 .
Shami Zein A., Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. A nonlinear piezoelectric shunt absorber with a 2:1 internal resonance: Theory. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2022 ; 170 : 108768.
Mahe Vincent, Renault Alexandre, Grolet Aurélien, Mahe Hervé, Thomas Olivier. Subharmonic filtration in rotating machines using centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers. 2022 .
Ugwuanyi Nnaemeka S., Clenet Stéphane, Kestelyn Xavier, Thomas Olivier. Solving Magnetodynamic Problems via Normal Form Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2022 ; 58 (9) : 4p..
Debeurre Marielle, Grolet Aurélien, Mattei Pierre-Olivier, Cochelin Bruno, Thomas Olivier. Nonlinear Modes of Cantilever Beams at Extreme Amplitudes: Numerical Computation and Experiments. 2022 ; 245-248.
Kutyla Charlotte, Lemettre Sylvain, Bessouet Clément, Bosseboeuf Alain, Coste Philippe, Sauvage Thierry, Wendling Olivier, Bellamy Aurelien, Jagtap Piyush, Escoubas Stephanie, Guichet Christophe, Thomas Olivier, Moulin Johan. Oxygen and hydrogen sorption in thermally activated yttrium-based getter thin films for MEMS vacuum packaging. 2022 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) 2022 ; 1-4.
Mahé Vincent, Renault Alexandre, Grolet Aurelien, Thomas Olivier, Mahé Hervé. Dynamic stability of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers allowing a rotational mobility. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2022 ; 517 : 116525.
Beauchamp Nicolas, Delpla Ianis, Dorea Caetano, Bouchard Christian, Thomas Marie-Florence, Thomas Olivier, Rodriguez Manuel. Drinking water quality assessment and management [chapter 10]. 2022 ; 321-345.
Mahé Vincent, Renault Alexandre, Grolet Aurelien, Mahé Hervé, Thomas Olivier. Subharmonic centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers allowing a rotational mobility. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2022 ; 177 : 109125.
Hans Philipp, Mocuta Cristian, Richard Marie-Ingrid, Benoit Daniel, Boivin Philippe, Le-Friec Yannick, Simola Roberto, Thomas Olivier. An In Situ Synchrotron X‐Ray Diffraction Study on the Influence of Hydrogen on the Crystallization of Ge‐Rich Ge2Sb2Te5. physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters (pss RRL) 2022 ; 16 (9) : 2100658.
Gemin Marin-Pierre, Lanceleur Rachelle, Meslier Lisa, Herve Fabienne, Reveillon Damien, Amzil Zouher, Ternon Eva, Thomas Olivier, Fessard Valérie. Toxicity of palytoxin, purified ovatoxin-a, ovatoxin-d and extracts of Ostreopsis cf. ovata on the Caco-2 intestinal barrier model. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2022 ; 94 : 103909.
Abboud Eddy, Grolet Aurélien, Mahé Hervé, Thomas Olivier. Computation of dynamic transmission error for gear transmission systems using modal decomposition and Fourier series. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 2022 .
Shami Zein Alabidin, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. A nonlinear piezoelectric shunt absorber with 2:1 internal resonance: experimental proof of concept. Smart Materials and Structures 2022 ; 31 (3) : 035006.
Mahé Vincent, Renault Alexandre, Grolet Aurelien, Mahé Hervé, Thomas Olivier. On the dynamic stability and efficiency of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers with rotating pendulums. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2022 ; 536 : 117157.
Sadoulet-Reboul Emeline, Ouisse Morvan, Matten Gaël, Yi Kaijun, Thomas Olivier. Review of “Passive discrete lens for broadband elastic guided wave focusing”. 2021 .
Neukirch Sébastien, Yavari Morteza, Challamel Noël, Thomas Olivier. Comparison of the Von Kármán and Kirchhoff models for the post-buckling and vibrations of elastic beams. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics 2021 ; Issue 2 | 2022 : 1-18.
Auleley Michel, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Mahe Hervé, Thomas Olivier. Tunable electromagnetic resonant shunt using pulse-width modulation. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2021 ; 500 : 116018.
Shen Yichang, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Kesmia Nassim, Yu Ting, Salles Loic, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril. Comparison of Reduction Methods for Finite Element Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Structures. Vibration 2021 ; 4 : 175 - 204.
Shen Yichang, Kesmia Nassim, Touzé Cyril, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Salles Loic, Thomas Olivier. Predicting the Type of Nonlinearity of Shallow Spherical Shells: Comparison of Direct Normal Form with Modal Derivatives. 2021 ; 361-371.
Berardengo Marta, Manzoni Stefano, Thomas Olivier, Vanali Marcello. Guidelines for the layout and tuning of piezoelectric resonant shunt with negative capacitances in terms of dynamic compliance, mobility and accelerance. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2021 ; 32 (17) : 2092-2107.
Givois Arthur, Deü Jean-François, Thomas Olivier. Dynamics of piezoelectric structures with geometric nonlinearities: A non-intrusive reduced order modelling strategy. Computers & Structures 2021 ; 253 : 106575.
Berardengo Marta, Manzoni Stefano, Thomas Olivier, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Drago Loris, Marelli Stefano, Vanali Marcello. The reduction of operational amplifier electrical outputs to improve piezoelectric shunts with negative capacitance. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2021 ; 506 : 116163.
Touzé Cyril, Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Thomas Olivier. Model order reduction methods for geometrically nonlinear structures: a review of nonlinear techniques. Nonlinear Dynamics 2021 ; 105
Grondel Sébastien, Colin Mathieu, Zwingelstein Marie, Ghenna Sofiane, Soyer Caroline, Cattan Eric, Thomas Olivier. Towards the use of flapping wing nano aerial vehicles. 2021 ; 52-63.
Cottanceau Emmanuel, Thomas Olivier, Veron Philippe, Alochet Marc, Deligny Renaud. Identification and validation of a 3D beam model of multi-stranded cables with a quasi-static robotic manipulation. 2020 .
Colin Mathieu, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. A diptera-inspired vibrating-wing nano drone. 2020 .
Givois Arthur, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Deü Jean-François, Thomas Olivier. Experimental analysis of nonlinear resonances in piezoelectric plates with geometric nonlinearities. Nonlinear Dynamics 2020 ; 102 (3) : 1451-1462.
Auleley Michel, Thomas Olivier, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Mahé Hervé. Enhancement of a dynamic vibration absorber by means of an electromagnetic shunt. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2020 ; 32 (3) : 331-354.
Colin Mathieu, Thomas Olivier, Grondel Sébastien, Cattan Eric. Very large amplitude vibrations of flexible structures: experimental identification and validation of a quadratic drag damping model. Journal of Fluids and Structures 2020 ; 97 : 103056.
Ugwuanyi Nnaemeka Sunday, Kestelyn Xavier, Marinescu Bogdan, Thomas Olivier. Power System Nonlinear Modal Analysis Using Computationally Reduced Normal Form Method. Energies 2020 .
Guillot Vinciane, Givois Arthur, Colin Mathieu, Thomas Olivier, Ture Savadkoohi Alireza, Lamarque Claude-Henri. Theoretical and experimental investigation of a 1:3 internal resonance in a beam with piezoelectric patches. Journal of Vibration and Control 2020 ; 107754632091053.
Saya Daisuke, Dezest Denis, Welsh Aaron, Mathieu Fabrice, Thomas Olivier, Leichle Thierry, Trolier-Mckinstry Susan, Nicu Liviu. Piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical systems integrating microcontact printed lead zirconate titanate films. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2020 ; 30 (3) : 035004.
Vakilinejad Mohammad, Grolet Aurélien, Thomas Olivier. A comparison of robustness and performance of linear and nonlinear Lanchester dampers. Nonlinear Dynamics 2020 ; 100 (1) : 269-287.
Richard Marie‐ingrid, Cornelius Thomas W, Lauraux Florian, Molin Jean-Baptiste, Kirchlechner Christoph, Leake Steven J, Carnis Jérôme, Schülli Tobias U, Thilly Ludovic, Thomas Olivier. Variable-wavelength quick scanning nano-focused X-ray microscopy for in situ strain and tilt mapping. Small 2020 ; 1905990.
Ugwuanyi Nnaemeka Sunday, Kestelyn Xavier, Thomas Olivier, Marinescu Bogdan, Messina Arturo Roman. A New Fast Track to Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Power System Using Normal Form. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2020 ; 10.
Guillot Louis, Lazarus Arnaud, Thomas Olivier, Vergez Christophe, Cochelin Bruno. A purely frequency based Floquet-Hill formulation for the efficient stability computation of periodic solutions of ordinary differential systems. Journal of Computational Physics 2020 ; 416 : 109477.
Vizzaccaro Alessandra, Givois Arthur, Longobardi Pierluigi, Shen Yichang, Deü Jean-François, Salles Loïc, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. Non-intrusive reduced order modelling for the dynamics of geometrically nonlinear flat structures using three-dimensional finite elements. Computational Mechanics 2020 ; 66 (6) : 1293-1319.
Grolet Aurélien, Shami Zein, Arabi Sadaf, Thomas Olivier. Experimental nonlinear localisation in a system of two coupled beams. 2019 .
Colin Mathieu, Faux Damien, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. Diptera-inspired vibrating-wing nano drone. 2019 .
Ugwuanyi Nnaemeka Sunday, Kestelyn Xavier, Thomas Olivier, Marinescu Bogdan. A Novel Method for Accelerating the Analysis of Nonlinear Behaviour of Power Grids using Normal Form Technique. 2019 .
Neukirch Sébastien, Lazarus Arnaud, Thomas Olivier, Cottanceau Emmanuel, Charrondière Raphaël, Bertails-Descoubes Florence. Comparing continuation methods. 2019 .
Germaine Marie-Anne, Thomas Olivier. Sur les bords. 2019 .
Guillot Vinciane, Givois Arthur, Zwingelstein Marie, Thomas Olivier, Ture Savadkoohi Alireza, Lamarque Claude-Henri. Theoretical and experimental study of piezoelectric nonlinear resonators for energy harvesting and vibrations control. 2019 .
Colin Mathieu, Givois Arthur, Guillot Vinciane, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Ture Savadkoohi Alireza, Lamarque Claude-Henri, Thomas Olivier. Flexible structures undergoing large amplitude vibrations. 2019 ; 32.
Colin Mathieu, Givois Arthur, Guillot Vinciane, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Ture Savadkoohi Alireza, Lamarque Claude-Henri, Thomas Olivier. Vibrations de structures flexibles en très grande amplitude - Application à un nano drone. 2019 .
Vakilinejad Mohammad, Grolet Aurélien, Thomas Olivier. A Comparison of Robustness and Performance of Linear and Non linear Lanchester Dampers. 2019 .
Givois Arthur, Grolet Aurelien, Thomas Olivier, Deü Jean-François. On the frequency response computation of geometrically nonlinear flat structures using reduced-order finite element models. Nonlinear Dynamics 2019 ; 97 (2) : 1747-1781.
Faux Damien, Thomas Olivier, Grondel Sébastien, Cattan Eric. Dynamic simulation and optimization of artificial insect-sized flapping wings for a bioinspired kinematics using a two resonant vibration modes combination. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2019 ; 460 : 114883.
Thomas Olivier, Givois Arthur, Grolet Aurélien, Deü Jean-François, Fuinel Cécile, Mathieu Fabrice, Legrand Bernard, Nicu Liviu. Finite elements based reduced order models for nonlinear dynamics of piezoelectric and dielectric laminated micro/nanostructures. 2018 .
Thomas Olivier, Germaine Marie-Anne. De l’enjeu de conservation au projet de territoire : Le saumon atlantique au coeur des débats. VertigO : La revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 2018 ; (Volume 18 numéro 2)
Jossic Marguerite, Thomas Olivier, Denis Vivien, Chomette Baptiste, Mamou-Mani Adrien, Roze David. Effects of internal resonances in the pitch glide of Chinese gongs. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2018 ; 144 (1) : 431-442.
Cherblanc Fabien, Bagnéris Marine, Thomas Olivier. Seismic analysis of masonry structures based on NSCD method. 2018 .
Berardengo Marta, Manzoni Stefano, Thomas Olivier, Vanali Marcello. Piezoelectric resonant shunt enhancement by negative capacitances: Optimisation, performance and resonance cancellation. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2018 ; 29 (12) : 2581-2606.
Bagnéris Marine, Chastel Olivier, Cherblanc Fabien, Debraux Julien, Dubois Frédéric, Huon Vincent, Langevain James, Lart Rémy, Thomas Olivier. Poutre de grande portée en pierre précontrainte. 2018 .
Tian Tian, Kestelyn Xavier, Thomas Olivier, Amano Hiroyuki, Messina Arturo Roman. An Accurate Third-Order Normal Form Approximation for Power System Nonlinear Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2018 ; 33 (2) : 2128-2139.
Faux Damien, Cattan Eric, Thomas Olivier, Grondel Sébastien. Two modes resonant combined motion for insect wings kinematics reproduction and lift generation. EPL - Europhysics Letters 2018 ; 121 (6) : 66001.
Cottanceau Emmanuel, Thomas Olivier, Véron Philippe, Alochet Marc, Deligny Renaud. A finite element/quaternion/asymptotic numerical method for the 3D simulation of flexible cables. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2018 ; 139 : 14-34.
Cottanceau Emmanuel, Thomas Olivier, Veron Philippe, Alochet Marc, Deligny Renaud. A finite element/quaternion/asymptotic numerical method for the 3D simulation of flexible cables. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2018 ; 139 : 14-34.
Denis Vivien, Jossic M, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Chomette B., Renault A., Thomas Olivier. Identication of nonlinear modes using phase-locked-loop experimental continuation and normal form. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2018 ; 106 : 430-452.
Faux Damien, Cattan Eric, Thomas Olivier, Grondel Sébastien. Couplage vibratoire bioinspiré pour la propulsion d'un nano-drone mimant l'insecte. 2017 .
Faux Damien, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier. Coupling of two resonant modes for insect wing mimicking in a flexible-wing NAV and generate lift. 2017 .
Faux Damien, Thomas Olivier, Grondel Sébastien, Cattan Eric. Resonant coupling for insect wings kinematics reproduction in a NAV and lift generation. 2017 .
Denis Vivien, Jossic Marguerite, Renault Alexandre, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Thomas Olivier. Mesure de résonances nonlinéaires et de courbes maitresses d'une poutre piézoélectrique. 2017 .
Jossic Marguerite, Denis Vivien, Thomas Olivier, Mamou-Mani Adrien, Chomette Baptiste, Roze David. Active control of Chinese gongs. 2017 ; 141 (5) : 3619 - 3620.
Cottanceau Emmanuel, Thomas Olivier, Véron Philippe, Alochet Marc, Deligny Renaud. Simulation 3D de câbles flexibles par un couplage méthode des éléments finis/quaternions/méthode asymptotique numérique. 2017 .
Renault Alexandre, Thomas Olivier, Mahé Hervé. Continuation d'antirésonance d'absorbeurs dynamiques non linéaires. 2017 .
Saya Daisuke, Dezest Denis, Leichle Thierry, Mathieu Fabrice, Nicu Liviu, Thomas Olivier, Welsh Aaron, Trolier-Mckinstry Susan. Fabrication and characterization of mechanical resonators integrating microcontact printed PZT films. 2017 .
Faux Damien, Thomas Olivier, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien. Vibrating wings conception for an insect-like nano-drone. 2017 .
Thomas Olivier, Brogat Marine. UV Spectra Library. 2017 ; 379-517.
Ribeiro Pedro, Thomas Olivier. Nonlinear Modes of Vibration and Internal Resonances in Nonlocal Beams. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 2017 ; 12 (3) : 031017-1 - 031017-11.
Cottanceau Emmanuel, Thomas Olivier, Veron Philippe, Alochet Marc, Deligny Renaud. A finite element/quaternion/asymptotic numerical method for the 3D simulation of flexible cables. 2016 ; 1-2.
Fuinel Cécile, Daffé Khadim, Laborde Adrian, Thomas Olivier, Mazenq Laurent, Nicu Liviu, Leichle Thierry, Legrand Bernard. HIGH-K THIN FILMS AS DIELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS FOR FLEXURAL M/NEMS RESONATORS. 2016 .
Berardengo Marta, Thomas Olivier, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Manzoni Stefano. Improved resistive shunt by means of negative capacitance: new circuit, performances and multi-mode control. Smart Materials and Structures 2016 ; 25 : 075033.
Berardengo Marta, Thomas Olivier, Giraud-Audine Christophe, Manzoni Stefano. Improved shunt damping with two negative capacitances: an efficient alternative to resonant shunt. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2016 ; 1-17.
Thomas Olivier, Sénéchal Aurélien, Deü Jean-François. Hardening/softening behavior and reduced order modeling of nonlinear vibrations of rotating cantilever beams. Nonlinear Dynamics 2016 ; 86 (2) : 1293-1318.
Thomas Olivier, Monteil Mélodie, Touzé Cyril. Idiophones à plaque et à coque. Partie I. Instruments linéaires et faiblement non linéaires: entre cloches et steelpans. Musique & Technique 2016 ; 6 : 34-50.
Faux Damien, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien, Thomas Olivier, Paquet Jean-Bernard. Conception d'ailes vibrantes pour un nano-drone mimant l'insecte. 2015 .
Bilbao Stefan, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril, Ducceschi Michele. Conservative numerical methods for the Full von Kármán plate equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2015 ; 31 (6)
Berardengo Marta, Manzoni Stefano, Thomas Olivier, Giraud-Audine Christophe. A new electrical circuit with negative capacitances to enhance resistive shunt damping. 2015 .
Vanneste Thomas, Bontemps Alexandre, Soyer Caroline, Paquet Jean-Bernard, Thomas Olivier, Cattan Eric, Grondel Sébastien. Développement d'un insecte artificiel - Nanodrone dédié à la surveillance intra-bâtiment. 2015 ; 19 pages - dossier IN217.
Dezest Denis, Mathieu Fabrice, Mazenq Laurent, Nicu Liviu, Soyer Caroline, Costecalde Jean, Thomas Olivier, Remiens Denis. PZT Nanofilm-Based Wafer Scale Nanoresonators. 2015 ; 6p..
Monteil Mélodie, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril. Identification of mode couplings in nonlinear vibrations of the steelpan. Applied Acoustics 2015 ; 89 : 1-15.
Rodrigues Daniel, Alves Celso, Horta André, Pinteus Susete, Silva Joana, Culioli Gérald, Thomas Olivier, Pedrosa Rui. Antitumor and Antimicrobial Potential of Bromoditerpenes Isolated from the Red Alga, Sphaerococcus coronopifolius. Marine drugs 2015 ; 13 (2) : 713-726.
Gaysinski Marc, Ortalo-Magné Annick, Thomas Olivier, Culioli Gérald. Extraction, Purification, and NMR Analysis of Terpenes from Brown Algae. 2015 ; 1308 : 207-223.
Dezest Denis, Thomas Olivier, Mathieu Fabrice, Mazenq Laurent, Soyer Caroline, Costecalde Jean, Remiens Denis, Deü Jean-François, Nicu Liviu. Wafer-scale fabrication of self-actuated piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical resonators based on lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2015 ; 25 (3) : 35002-35013.
Monteil Mélodie, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier, Benacchio Simon. Nonlinear forced vibrations of thin structures with tuned eigenfrequencies: the cases of 1:2:4 and 1:2:2 internal resonances. Nonlinear Dynamics 2014 ; 75 (1-2) : 175-200.
Monteil Mélodie, Thomas Olivier, Frelat Joël, Touzé Cyril. Effet de la mise en forme sur les vibrations d'une coque mince : application au steelpan. 2013 .
Dezest Denis, Mathieu Fabrice, Mazenq Laurent, Soyer Caroline, Costecalde Jean, Remiens Denis, Thomas Olivier, Deü Jean-François, Nicu Liviu. Wafer-scale integration of piezoelectric actuation capabilities in nanoelectromechanical systems resonators. 2013 ; 0.
Thomas Olivier, Mathieu Fabrice, Mansfield W., Huang C., Trolier-Mckinstry S., Nicu Liviu. Piezoelectric parametric amplifiers with integrated actuation and sensing capabilities. 2013 .
Thomas Olivier, Mathieu Fabrice, Mansfield William, Huang C., Trolier-Mckinstry Susan, Nicu Liviu. Efficient parametric amplification in micro-resonators with integrated piezoelectric actuation and sensing capabilities. Applied Physics Letters 2013 ; 102 (16) : 163504.
Monteil Mélodie, Thomas Olivier, Frelat Joël, Touzé Cyril, Seiler Wilfrid. Towards a steelpan making model - Residual stress field effects on dynamical properties. 2012 .
Lazarus Arnaud, Thomas Olivier, Deü Jean-François. Finite element reduced order models for nonlinear vibrations of piezoelectric layered beams with applications to NEMS. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2012 ; 49 (1) : 35-51.
Thomas Olivier, Ducarne Julien, Deü Jean-François. Performance of piezoelectric shunts for vibration reduction. Smart Materials and Structures 2012 ; 21 (1) : 015008.
Lamarque Claude-Henri, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. An upper bound for validity limits of asymptotic analytical approaches based on normal form theory. Nonlinear Dynamics 2012 ; 70 (3) : 1931-1949.
Monteil Mélodie, Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril, Frelat Joël. vibrations non linéaires de steelpans : couplages modaux via la résonance interne 1:2:2. 2011 .
Guillon Samuel, Saya Daisuke, Mazenq Laurent, Perisanu Sorin, Vincent Pascal, Lazarus Arnaud, Thomas Olivier, Nicu Liviu. Effect of non-ideal clamping shape on the resonance frequencies of silicon nanocantilevers. Nanotechnology 2011 ; 22 (24) : id 245501.
Thomas Olivier, Nezamabadi Saeid, Deü Jean-François, Lazarus Arnaud. Réduction de modèles éléments finis pour les vibrations non linéaires. Application à des nano-structures piézoélectriques. 2011 ; Clé USB.
Lamarque Claude-Henri, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. An upper bound for normal form asymptotic expansions. 2011 .
Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier, Amabili Marco. Transition to chaotic vibrations for harmonically forced perfect and imperfect circular plates. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2011 ; 46 (1) : 234-246.
Sénéchal Aurélien, Thomas Olivier, Deü Jean-François. Optimization of shunted piezoelectric patches for vibration reduction of complex structures - Application to a turbojet fan blade. 2010 ; (DETC2010-28737) : 695-704.
Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier, Amabili Marco. Forced vibrations of circular plates: from periodic to chaotic motions. 2010 .
Lazarus Arnaud, Thomas Olivier. A harmonic-based method for computing the stability of periodic solutions of dynamical systems. Comptes Rendus Mécanique 2010 ; 338 (9) : 510-517.
Melon Manuel, Langrenne Christophe, Thomas Olivier, Garcia Alexandre. Comparison between measurement and boundary element modelization of subwoofers. 2009 .
Touzé Cyril, Cadot Olivier, Boudaoud Arezki, Thomas Olivier. Chaotic vibrations of harmonically forced plates: From low-dimensional chaos to wave turbulence. 2009 .
Thomas Olivier, Deü Jean-François, Ducarne Julien. Vibrations of an elastic structure with shunted piezoelectric patches: efficient finite element formulation and electromechanical coupling coefficients. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2009 ; 80 (2) : 235-268.
Camier Cédric, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. Non-linear vibrations of imperfect free-edge circular plates and shells. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 2009 ; 28 : 500-515.
Thomas Olivier, Nicu Liviu, Touzé Cyril. Flambage et vibrations non-linéaires d'une plaque stratifiée piézoélectrique. Application à un capteur de masse MEMS. Mécanique et Industries 2009 ; 10 (3-4) : 311-316.
Thomas Olivier, Nicu Liviu, Ayela Cédric, Touzé Cyril. Buckling and non-linear vibrations of a MEMS biosensor. 2008 .
Touzé Cyril, Amabili M., Thomas Olivier. Reduced-order models for large-amplitude vibrations of shells including in-plane inertia. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008 ; 197 (21-24) : 2030-2045.
Touzé Cyril, Camier Cédric, Favraud Gaël, Thomas Olivier. Effect of imperfections and damping on the type of nonlinearity of circular plates and shallow spherical shells. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2008 ; 2008 : 678307.
Thomas Olivier, Bilbao Stefan. Geometrically nonlinear flexural vibrations of plates: In-plane boundary conditions and some symmetry properties. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2008 ; 315 (3) : 569-590.
Ducarne Julien, Thomas Olivier, Deü Jean-François. Structural vibration reduction optimization by switch shunting of piezoelectric elements. 2007 ; 21 (8) : 797-816.
Touzé Cyril, Amabili Marco, Thomas Olivier, Camier Cédric. Reduction of geometrically non-linear models of shell vibrations including in-plane inertia. 2007 .
Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril, Luminais Éric. Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: Experiments on a 1:1:2 internal resonance. Nonlinear Dynamics 2007 ; 49 (1-2) : 259-284.
Thomas Olivier, Nicu Liviu, Ayela Cédric, Touzé Cyril. Buckling and non-linear vibrations of a piezoelectric stratified plate. 2007 .
Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. Non-linear behaviour of free-edge shallow spherical shells: Effect of the geometry. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2006 ; 41 (5) : 678-692.
Boury Frank, Benoit Jean-Pierre, Thomas Olivier, Tewes Frédéric. Method for preparing particles from an emulsion in supercritical or liquid CO2. 2005 .
Bayle Sylvie, Azéma Nathalie, Berho Catherine, Pouet Marie-Florence, Lopez-Cuesta Jose-Marie, Thomas Olivier. Study of heterogeneous suspensions: A new quantitative approach coupling laser granulometry and UV–vis spectrophotometry. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2005 ; 262 (1-3) : 242-250.
Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril, Luminais Éric. Modèles réduits de structures minces en vibrations non-linéaires. 2005 .
Touzé Cyril, Chaigne Antoine, Thomas Olivier. Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: Modal interaction rules and 1:1:2 internal resonance. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2005 ; 42 (11-12) : 3339-3373.
Chaigne Antoine, Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier. Nonlinear vibrations and chaos in gongs and cymbals. Acoustical Science and Technology 2005 ; 26 (5) : 403-409.
Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier, Chaigne Antoine. Hardening/softening behaviour in non-linear oscillations of structural systems using non-linear normal modes. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2004 ; 273 (1-2) : 77-101.
Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier, Huberdeau Alexis. Asymptotic non-linear normal modes for large-amplitude vibrations of continuous structures. Computers & Structures 2004 ; 82 (31-32) : 2671-2682.
Roig Benoit, Thomas Olivier. UV monitoring of sugars during wine making. Carbohydrate Research 2003 ; 338 (1) : 79-83.
Roig Benoît, Gonzalez Catherine, Thomas Olivier. Monitoring of phenol photodegradation by ultraviolet spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy [1994-...] 2003 ; 59 (2) : 303-307.
Thomas Olivier, Touzé Cyril, Chaigne Antoine. Asymmetric non-linear forced vibrations of free-edge circular plates. Part II: Experiments. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2003 ; 265 (5) : 1075-1101.
Coque Yves, Touraud Evelyne, Thomas Olivier. On line spectrophotometric method for the monitoring of colour removal processes. Dyes and Pigments 2002 ; 54 (1) : 17-23.
Touzé Cyril, Thomas Olivier, Chaigne Antoine. Asymmetric non-linear forced vibrations of free-edge circular plates. Part 1: Theory. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2002 ; 258 (4) : 649-676.
Jourdan Benoît, Ollivier James, Thomas Olivier. Développement de nouvelles méthodes de caractérisation des boues de rectification. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2002 ; N°28 - 4ème Trimestre 2002 : 38-44.
Touraud Evelyne, Cloarec Olivier, Crone Magalie, Thomas Olivier. Kit de diagnostic rapide de la contamination des sols par les HAP. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2002 ; N°25 - 1er Trimestre 2002 : 35-39.
Baurès Estelle, Pouet Marie-Florence, Dupuit Estelle, Thomas Olivier. Du concept à l’application de la mesure environnementale non paramétrique. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2002 ; N°25 - 1er Trimestre 2002 : 28-34.
Jourdan Benoît, Ollivier James, Thomas Olivier. Étude de la faisabilité du traitement des boues de rectification en vue de leur valorisation. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2002 ; N°26 - 2ème Trimestre 2002 : 34-42.
Touzé Cyril, Lanchantin Pierre, Chaigne Antoine, Thomas Olivier. Transferts d'énergie par couplage modal : étude d'un cas particulier. 2002 .
Thomas Olivier. Éditorial n°24 Déchets Sciences et Techniques. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2001 ; N°24 - 4ème Trimestre 2001 : 2.
Sillet Arnauld-Amaury, Degorce-Dumas Jean-Regis, Roussy Jean, Bourgois Jacques, Thomas Olivier. Utilisation de la photooxydation UV/H2O2 pour l'élimination du carbone organique dissous (COD) dans les effluents contenant des composés non biodégradables. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2001 ; N°21 - 1er trimestre 2001 : 38-42.
Sillet Arnauld-Amaury, Royer Sébastien, Coque Yves, Bourgois Jacques, Thomas Olivier. Les lixiviats de décharges d’ordures ménagères. Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement 2001 ; N°22 - 2ème Trimestre 2001 : 7-11.